天堂与地狱 10.0






号称挪威最迷幻的超现实电影,与当年欧洲的嬉皮LSD运动有关。\n\"Reefer Madness\" taken to surrealistic new heights in Sweden,\nEvery falsehood you learned about smoking dope in school is portrayed (to the extreme) in this film. Even the most conservative don't believe anymore that one puff of marijuana will turn you into a raving and maniacal addict. Thats what makes \"Heaven and Hell\" so entertaining. It takes \"Reefer Madness\", exaggerate all that legendary film's already inaccurate information, and puts it into such an alien setting (Oslo) that it becomes an surreal experience for my western eyes. The makers of this film obviously knew nothing about their subject; like \"Reefer Madness\", they wanted to get away with explicit sexuality behind the guise of public warning. Ironically, the only credible information is courtesy of the Dr. Orheim character, a supposed \"villain\" resembling Timothy Leary.\nOn the technical side, the film is extremely inept also. The direction is the most aesthetically dull thing since William \"One-Shot\" Beaudine. The acting doesn't help either. Every performer in the cast is dry and unenthusiastic (all the stereotypes about Norwegian drama are supported here). Not to mention the film contai


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